Chaos code ps3 disc
Chaos code ps3 disc

chaos code ps3 disc

This gauge fills up over time and allows you to do things like guard breaks with ease. Beyond that, the core mechanics that separate it from the pack involve the chaos gauge. You can choose between a variety of extra-special moves and even pick whether you want to run or hop around the screen.

chaos code ps3 disc

The controls work quite well, with the face buttons alternating between weak and strong attacks while the usual array of d-pad and/or stick movements enable your special attacks. None of the characters feel like filler, and even with many of them checking boxes for anime-styled fighting games, they don’t come off like token characters there to fill a slot on the roster.

Chaos code ps3 disc series#

Fans of bigger changes from game to game may be disappointed, with only two new roster members - but series newcomers won’t know what they’re missing. Bravo is the resident bruiser, while Cait-Sith offers up a tag team duo with some impressive super attacks. There are middle-ground characters that give you a fair mix of speed and damage along with a team-based character in Cait-Sith who can be absolutely devastating in the right hands.Īrc System Works fans who missed the prior games will feel at home here with the familiar face button-centric layout alongside using the shoulder buttons as combo buttons of sorts. With a roster of 15 characters, there are quite a few characters to fight as and different fighting styles to learn to both play with and fight against.No matter which character preference you have - whether you like a fast, nimble striker who may not do a ton of damage with each strike, but eats away at an enemy slowly or a big bruiser, you’ll be happy. Fortunately, Chaos Code excels at offering up an exciting and fun fighting experience - and that makes up for its story-related shortcomings. Those seeking a deep storyline will still be left disappointed - as the original game’s clunky narrative hasn’t been expanded upon and the seemingly-important Chaos Code remains a bit of a mystery no matter how many times you replay the story mode. The New Sign of Catastrophe re-release adds far more core content, giving both fans of the original and newcomers plenty of content to sink their teeth into. While it was a quality product, it was also bare-bones and lacked modern features and modes. In 2013, the original Chaos Code hit the PlayStation 3 and left us feeling a bit underwhelmed.

Chaos code ps3 disc